
Why should I spend the time?
Every potential volunteer should ask themselves this question and the answer is going to be different for everyone. But the reason most want to give their time is that people are inherently good and want to pitch in.
At SITE Mountain West we take this one step further - we believe that our industry has been so good to us that we can't help but give back. We believe that when we help others excel in crafting memorable incentive travel events we strengthen ourselves and the industry as a whole. We find a beautiful sense of fulfillment in helping our members thrive, stay educated, and find opportunities through exceptional networking.
We need passionate people to join us in this cause!
Perhaps you have talents in certain areas and can lend your skillset to work on a quick specific project. Others might like to take the opportunity to meet more people while giving back. Volunteers may have one hour a week, or three hours a month or more – whatever the amount of time you have, we can put your talents to work.
SITE Mountain West is committed to providing a supportive environment for its volunteers, without whom our chapter would not be able to function or provide value.
Would you consider joining us? Let's do this!